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Children and Family Services Centre (Kowloon City)

Resources Sharing Corner​

Learning Resources - "Everyday Cantonese"

Learning Cantonese in Interesting Ways

Learning Cantonese in Interesting Ways – Toys

Learning Cantonese in Interesting Ways - Seeing a Doctor

Learning Cantonese in Interesting Ways - Line up song

Learning Cantonese in Interesting Ways - Four Seasons

Learning Cantonese in Interesting Ways - Animal Song

Parent-child Games at Home

Parent-child game - claw machine

Parent-child games Home-made Magician

Paper Spinning Top

Tasty Snacks of Bread

Super DIY Fishing Game

Past Events

Challenge Fighter (2020-21)

The project “Challenge Fighter” was funded by HSBC Community Partnership Programme 2020. The Project was started from 14 July 2020 and ended in August 2021. This project aims at helping children and parents to learn positive thinking while they are provided with chances to explore new experience, to equip diverse future skills and to contribute the community. Apart from enhancing their creativity, problem solving skills and presentation skills, they can also enjoy quality family time and implant positive energy for fighting against the challenges encountered.

Family Joyful Play Project (2019-20)

The project “Family Joyful Play Project” was funded by Rusy and Purviz Shroff Charitable Foundation and will be ended in March 2020. Under this project, various programs in different formats will be held to let families not only understand the importance of play on child development, but also realize how parent-child quality play can help an individual as well as the whole family to implant positive energy and to build up a harmonious family relationship, so as to strengthen the resilience and problem-solving ability of the family. ​

Family Career and Saving Experience Project (2019-20)

We are so pleased that the project “Family Career and Saving Experience Project” was funded by HSBC Community Partnership Programme. The Project was started from September 2019 and ended in August 2020. In this project, children can have chances to explore their career attributes and interest, and to develop future skills, e.g. communication skills, proactivity and creativity, etc., in order to inspire and encourage them to start equipping themselves at their early stage. Meanwhile, parents will be helped to understand the importance of helping their children to cultivate the future skills, saving habits and positive financial management concept.

Empty Mind and Store Up Love for Family Project (2017-18)

Everyone has certain degree of resilience. However, after experiencing all kinds of stress and failure, our soul and mind may be filled up with full of negative emotions and we may no longer have enough energyand room to contain, deal with or bear more upcoming difficulties and problems. This project aims to help the participants to empty their mind by releasing negative emotions, then to spare rooms to store up love by implanting positive energy for themselves and their families, so as to strengthen their resilience and to enable them to build up a harmonious and loving family.

V Build Project (2016-17)

The better attachment relationship between parent-child will enhance better developmental environment for the whole family. Although many of the parents realize the importance of attachment now, they do not know the method to recover the damaged relationship. V Build Project aims at helping families to recover from the damaged attachment relationship between parent-child, and to experience the joy from rebuilding the intimate relationship through a series of multi-sensory art media related parent-child activities.